Welcome to (HGCM), Holy Ghost Celebration Ministries

Evangelists Doug and Laurie Eccles

“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ”.

2 Corinthians 5:20

Our Vision

Preach the gospel and bless the poor

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God”.

1 Corinthians 1:18

Doug eccles Pakistan

Our Goal:

To see millions of souls cleansed by the blood of Christ.

Our achievements:

Over 1.5 million have already come to Christ in altars around the world


Missions & Projects

  • Water Wells
    In Haiti the need for clean water is wide-spread. A majority of all fresh water sources have been polluted due to the poor sanitation systems. More than half the deaths in Haiti are due to water-borne diseases. With this in mind we are drilling wells every month to help the hundreds of thousands affected by lack of safe drinking water. Many of the wells are being drilled on church property making the local church the place where the whole city goes for water. At other times we have been asked by the mayor and local officials if we can help with bringing clean water to their cities. Jesus said,
    “…I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…” we say, “…Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?” He says, “truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Do it for Jesus! You can sponsor a well for as little as $1500 or if you cannot do the whole amount you can join with others with any amount and it will go toward this needy project. Thank you for your support! 
  • Mass Evangelism
    Our family has one dream – SOULS. We are always trying to come up with new ways to reach more people with the good news. One of the most effective ways we reach the lost is through mass evangelism. We have seen more than one million come to Christ in our coliseum and open air meetings. These meetings are marked by healing of the sick and deliverance to the bound. In some of our meetings we see as many as four people come to Christ for just a dollar spent. Although, the Gospel is free, to reach tens of thousands we must pay for the crusade location, sound equipment and advertisement. Through our friends and partners we have been able to see many who have not heard the Gospel reached. A typical crusade costs around $15,000. If you have a heart for the lost you can help us with this worthwhile endeavor. It has been said, “teamwork makes the dream work.”
  • Your gift great or small is significant in the kingdom of God. Thank you.



Who will reach them if not me? Who will reach them if not you? Will you unite with us to impact the nations? You can know your assistance and support are accomplishing the work of the Gospel. Stand with us in this ministry to see the nations saved!

Your partnership will help us reach masses of individuals through: 
• Open-air & Coliseum Evangelism Events
• Church Construction
• Training Pastors & Leaders
• Aiding Churches & the Poor

Online Giving Options

Sow a seed to help spread the Gospel and bless the poor

Holy Ghost Celebration Ministries, Inc. is a 501c3 charitable non-profit organization and your gifts are tax-deductible.




Text “GIVE” to: 1-918-300-4555 (Credit or debit card)

By Mail: HGCM, PO Box 36, Bixby OK 74008

Testimonials and

Recommendations for Doug Eccles – HGCM

Throughout our ministry we have collaborated with ministers from around the world who testify of our service in preaching the gospel and how we have blessed the poor.

“It is my honor and delight to have Doug Eccles as a friend, as well as a coworker in the labor of God’s kingdom. On several occasions we have worked together for times of spiritual emphasis at the churches I have Pastored. Each time Doug has been with us he has brought a biblically sound and anointed word that is always accompanied by results in the altar. He is blessed with a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading and he always works in cooperation with the Pastor for the good of the local congregation. He is a gentlemen, a Pastor’s friend, and a man of God that I am proud to recommend.”

Pastor Billy Nickell Assistant Superintendent, West Texas District Assemblies of God. Amarillo, TX,USA.

“The lame walk, the blind see, demons are cast out and people are set free. Just as the Bible says these signs follow the preaching of the word, and they happen in Doug’s crusades. 2) water wells will equal wells of revival and thousands will come to salvation. Natural water opens the door for the living water. 3) the desire to reach the lost, burns in Doug and Laurie’s heart. It is their mandate from heaven!”

Pastor Chad Mcatee District superintendent, Indiana District Assemblies of God, Indiana, USA.

“Brother Doug came in paris, versailles, for our special meetings “fan the flame ” in october 2010. The church has been so blessed by the preaching of the word. We had people get saved, and others have been renewed and they took a new start. We hope that this ministry could visit us more in the future.”

Pastors Pat and Gladys Hat Christian Center Life, Yvelines, Versailles, France.

“Your ministry changed our people forever. You are a great gift to the body of Christ. Keep up the good work.”

Rev. Victor Mwangi Father’s House Family Church. Ruiru, Kenya.

“We love Doug Eccles at calvary life church! We have had some amazing times in God’s presence through his ministry. The lasting relationship we have with Doug has enriched our lives.”

Pastor Mark Maynard Calvary Life Church, Granite City, Illinois, USA.

“Podemos ver milagros, prodigios y señales Dios le siga usando grandemente y que ese ministerio siga siendo poderoso en Cristo Jesús. Esperamos tenerlo en el mes de Abril con nosotros saludos a su familia, congregación y a todos los que hacen posible la predicacion del santo Evangelio de Cristo adelante, Cristo le ama!”

Rogel Chi Radio Maranatha Flores, Petén, Guatemala­.

“Doug Eccles is a true evangelist who has a passion to see souls saved. His preaching is biblical and practical. I recommend him without reservation.”

Bishop Terry Wiles Crossroads Community Cathedral. Hartford, CT, USA.

“Doug has been with us on multiple occasions. He has always come with a fresh word from the Lord for our people.his ministry has blessed our church and I would certainly recommend him to you.”

Pastor Randy Sabella Hope Assembly, Malaga, New Jersey, USA.

“I have known Pastor Douglas for 10 years from now. I can say he is preaching the heart of God and he is a very humble man. I take it as an honor to recommend Pastor Douglas Eccles to anyone. He is an upright one who loves and fears God.”

Dr. Samuel Davilmar First Assembly of God. Trou Du Nord, Haiti.


Contact Us

Let's Connect With Our Ministry

Holy Ghost Celebration Ministries

Doug & Laurie Eccles PO Box 36 Bixby, OK, 74008

Email Address


Reach out for an event

If you would like to request Evangelist Doug Eccles to speak at an event, conference, or other speaking engagement,
please fill out this form.

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